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Our Target Client

Credit products were created specifically to support the market demand level acceptable for all customers in the towns, cities and rural areas in the country which has the potential.

LED Institution target market is all Cambodians in the economic community from low level up to medium level as Individual(Family) which are handicrafts, agriculture, manufacturing, services and trade companies ranging from small level up to medium business level in conformity with the LED Institution 's criteria


The target was divided into two groups

  1. The group of people who work have a salary, reputation and good relationships in the community.

  2. A group of people has their own business, employment potential in the market based on the type of business and located in the      country of occupation have a legitimate and transparent stable cash flow.


LED Institution supports and will continue to support its customers, a strong referral to better economic growth in order to share with the government to reduce poverty and develop the country.

All these businesses can be Customers of LED Microfinance Institution Plc.

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